Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Plan

This is the plan.....
I am going to upload every single picture, in the order I took them, and tell about what it is. Because, I can never find the picture I am looking for.

Plus, it will be like we're sitting on the couch, looking through one of them old fashioned photo book thingy's together.

Ahhh nostalgia.

Plus, this way I'll be sure not to miss anything.

Anyway, sound like fun?

Okay. Let's start.

Now, unfortunately, you will have seen some of the pictures already.

And, this first installment happens to be the flight.

It will get better, I promise.

First, the line-up's in Toronto. It is crazy to me how many people were there. And how many people with small children!! Flying with toddlers does not look like fun.

Donna, waiting in line. See her awesome African suitcase? Do you know why it's awesome, besides the obvious coolness?

Sooo easy to spot on the round-a-bout.

See the suitcase I'm using,(thanks Becky!)?
Black. Guess how many black suitcases there are? I'm going to say about 90%.

Mine was not easy to find on the round-a-bout.

Another shot of the line.

Our flight.

Donna at the Swiss Chalet Bar.

Our plane. At this point, out flight was 45 min. late. We see the plane, but they won't let us get on!! Boys, do you see that long tunnel thing? That's what we walk through to get on the plane. Through a long tunnel.

There is a sign of life!! Hope springs eternal, that we will finally board the plane.

Just checking to see if there are actual pilots inside. There are.

See how long the tunnel is? Long.

Finally, we board! This is the inside of the plane. I had to stand up for this shot. When sitting, all I saw was turquoise vinyl.

The view outside my seat.

More turquoise vinyl, and one of the most annoying men on the face of the planet. I can't believe I got his picture. He happened to be our neighbour, in our building. He complained about everything!! We'd be sitting on our patio, basking in the glory of the morning, he'd step outside and say," Aaargh. It's so humid!!!!"

I wanted to ask him why he came to Mexico.

The first morning there, when we had to ask him to call and let us back in our room, he said he had a list of 30 things wrong with the place, that he was taking up to the concierge.
We asked him what sort of things, and he said the beach was too far away. And it wasn't big enough. It was all ridiculous.
Anyway, here he is.

Ready for take-off!!

This is Toronto. Can't tell?

How about now?

We flew at a speed of 6,500 km/hour.
Outside the plane was -42.

We flew over Washington. And other places I can't remember.

Here is Cancun. Mexico.
Can't tell?

How about now?

So that is the first installment.

Hope you didn't mind the repeated pictures.

See ya!


  1. I don't mind the repeated pictures! :D

    I just want to click on them to make them bigger... so I can see all the details... but I can't. :( You must have used Chrome.
