Saturday, December 5, 2009

Other Things

I'm leaving behind. That I will miss. Alot.

I would have put a picture of Freddie and Sadie, but it was taking to long.

And I am not patient.

And of course, I'll miss all of you too!!!!! The rest of you. You know who you are.

And if you're not sure, I probably won't miss you.

This was supposed to be last.
I won't miss my dog more than my kids.


  1. Very cute! Love the stack.

    The pics always load backwards... if you right click on them, and cut them, you can paste them anywhere you want in your blog post. ;) That's what I always do! :D

  2. THANKS MOMMY love quin nate Emma and ava

  3. Speaking of said kids, they are all alive and well. So are the dogs.

    The fire is burning in the woodstove, and nowhere else.

    Cyrus misses you. He's on my feet.
