Monday, December 7, 2009

Getting Here

This is part of the Swiss Chalet in the airport. We stopped here for a Margarita. It was called the Roost.

Donna and Hayden on the way to the airport.

Our flight.

The line up at the airport.

Disclaimer: I am stupid and chose the wrong pictures. And, I don´t know how to delete. Everything is in Spanish, and the keyboard is stupid, with glued-on letters.

New post below.

Adeena, tell me how to delete pics. Please.


We are here.


Our flight was an hour late. And was long. And I starved. Donna didn´t. She got a crust a bread.

Our flight was SkyService, and was very economy. Very. Tight.

We stepped off the plane to a cool 80 degrees, with a delicious breeze. Gorgeous.

So, we get here, and the resort is beautiful. It was only about 25 min. from the airport, so not bad.

Gorgeous lobby, which I will post pics of tomorrow.

When we walked in the check-in guy said the restaurant was almost closed, so we went to eat first. Buffet was good. This was about 11 pm.

By this time we are absolutely exhausted, so we checked in, got a ride to our room, and started to explore. On the way up we met a drunk girl who said, ¨"A word of warning girls, don´t go out on your balcony and shut the door. I´m locked out.¨"

We found the room to be nice and roomy, gorgeous bathroom and huge shower. A family could shower in there with room top spare.

And the balcony. We stepped out to check it out, and I was admiring the beautiful veiw, when I heard the door sliding shut. I screeched,"DON¨T SHUT THE DOOR!"

Two guesses what happened. Yes. We doubled over killing ourselves laughing. It was either that or cry.

So, we hung over the balcony wailing, but nobody was around.

And so. I scaled the barrier between rooms, hanging on for dear life to the thatched roof, While Donna said, "Do you want me to hold on to you?" I declined, as I was mostly there, already up on the railing. Oh, and this is three floors up.

Donna was very supportive and said, "Don´t look down!"

I went to tap on the patio door, and Donna hissed, ¨Don´t look in!! What if they´re naked?" Which made me feel totally comfortable doing this.

Well, I freaked out the lady in the bathrobe, but at least she wasn´t naked. It was her husband in the shower who was.

She called down, and we eventually got back into our room.

We sat on the balcony after that, with the door wide open, and sipped champagne and enjoying the balmy tropical breeze.

So ended day one.


  1. That is a great first day story, Heather.

    I can't BELIEVE you climbed over a barrier three stories above sudden and immediate death.

    But obviously God was looking out for you.

    We need more pictures, as soon as you can figure it out.


    That is too hilarious!! I can't believe you climbed over THREE STORIES UP!!! I could never do it. Never.

    Just right click on them, and select delete. What's delete in Spanish? :D

  3. HOLY! Three stories UP?? I would've died of fear, I can't believe you did that! What a story for your first day down there!! :D

  4. Delete in Spanish: suprimir. According to some English to Spanish online translator.

    Three stories...that's a long way up.
    Remember how we talked about you not dying? Yea, you're doing good so far, but on the danger-scale of one to ten I'd prefer if you were more along the lines of a two instead of a seven. ;)

    Can't wait for day two, if this is day one.

  5. okay so I think I might know the drunk girl....but in the end there was that's all that matters....hehehe

  6. We are WAITING FOR NEWS - as in what happened since you came in from the balcony?

  7. Whoa, I was totally going to post a comment saying exactly what Mom just said. Just now.

    But like, seriously. We're waiting here. We're not doing anything else. All of us are glued to computers, hitting "refresh" in the hopes that you've posted again.

    ...has my hyperbole helped me or hindered me?

  8. So is the scaling the out side of the building one of the thing you can sign for. If it is than I so want to go there it sounds like a thrill.
