Monday, January 11, 2010

Second day

We were up early on the second day,
(Well really, every day)

And of course we sat on the patio.

And heard the birds.

There were different ones today,
so of course I took pictures.

See the yellow one?

Sooo pretty.

It was a glorious morning.

One more bird.

Today was the ride through the jungle and on the beach.

As I've said before, the horse I rode was the oldest I have ever seen.
I didn't even have to hold the reins.

So, I took a lot of pictures.

A LOT of pictures.

Of scenery.

Here is our guide.
He rode crooked 90% of the time.

Drove me crazy.
His horses back was probably seriously out.

My horses ears.
They never perked up.

Coming through the jungle....
I spy the ocean!

And there it is!!
It was kind of overcast, which was actually nice,
'cause we would have baked on that beach otherwise.

Coming down onto the sand

I was first, behind the guide.
Here's the rest of them!

I think this is the only shot of him sitting straight.

White sandy beach.

My poor horse

Despite the crooked man, it's beautiful, no?

They filmed a Corona commercial here.


We had a tag along.
What a life for a dog, eh?

She was nice. And a cool Brindle colour.

See the guy on the right?
He was the boss.
Everyone could pound away at their horses ribs, and the horse would not even budge.
He would ride by and cluck, and those horses would step it up a notch.

Having a scratch.

Sand and scrub

There was actually a snake hiding in here, but I missed him.

The jungle was to our left, the ocean to the right.

Pretty foilage

The crooked man

As much as possible I had my horse walk down by the water, where the sand is firmer.
Easier going than the loose stuff.

The followers.
It was the most scenic ride I've ever been on.

Break time

They offered to take pictures
Click on this one to make it big.
My tongue is out.
No idea why.

Here we are

The Gaucho. He was a happy guy.
Make it big, it's hilarious.

Don't you wanna jump in?

Then, I noticed something....



I had to check and see if we were still moving....
I took a picture to document our progress

Five minutes later.
Yep, a little closer.

This shows the cove pretty well

Bye Ocean!

Heading up the trail.

The light was amazing, breaking through the clouds here and there.

Made some good pictures.

This was really zoomed in
But the sun sparkling on the water was too pretty.

A lonely palm.
He is a rock, he is an iiiiisland.

Off into the distant jungle.

Back at the ranch.

This was the best looking horse there.
Look at his muscles!
And well fed, too.

Aren't the stables cool?

There were horses all over the yard, tied under trees to give them some shade.
This guy was in good shape, but he was standing weird.

Horses and flowers.
They were rushing me to get back to the bus....
or I probably would have taken more.

But this, I couldn't resist.

How cute is he?

He gets to wander around, while Momma is tied in the shade.

He decides to have a snooze.
He wasn't worried about me being there at all.

The tack room. Hut. Whatever.
Make it big, and check out the carved horse heads at the front.

After we got back we were staaarving.
So we ate.

This is inside the buffet down at the beach.
This was our table.

This was our waiter.
He saved our table for us.
All the time.

Donna molested him.
But, he liked it.


  1. Birds are cool.

    Crooked guy is annoying in pictures... although, I sit crooked on stuff all the time.

    You do the tongue thing. I've seen it. ;)

    Sparkly water is SO PRETTY!

    That horse has some serious muscles. And that baby is too adorable. :D

    Donna loves all the boys, eh? ;)

  2. Crooked guy is seriously crooked.
    Jungle and ocean are seriously beautiful.
    Your poor horse is seriously old.
    Baby is seriously cute.

    I'm so serious.

    Now I'm all caught up! :D
