Sunday, January 24, 2010

Aaarrrrrgh Matey's!


This was Saturday night, our last night in Mexico :(

It was sooo much fun.
Incredibly entertaining.

If you are ever in Cancun, you must go on the Pirate ships.

Kids would love it, but a lot of the humour is for adults.
Kinda like the Emporers New Groove.

Fun for all!!

We are standing in line, waiting to board our ship.
These were real Spanish Galleons,

The show was called, "Captain Hook."
There were four ships, each with a different colour.

The pictures in this post aren't that great
it was dark, and my camera hates dark.

Each of the ships were lit up like a Christmas Tree.

Quite the sight.

Donna in line.
This is actually when I realized we were waiting in the wrong line.

We got our butts in the right line, and this cute little Mexican
came around to see if we wanted a cuban cigar.
Donna did, but I wouldn't let her.

Guess who that is?

These little guys in the ships were entertainment.
We waited in line for quite awhile, but there was entertainment the whole time.
It flew by.
And was actually very funny.

A photo op.
We didn't get our pics with the skulls.
We wanted to keep our spot in line.

Our ships bum.

Lights everywhere.

We have to walk the plank!!
On board.

See the pirate?
He was the funniest one.
He was the first mate.

More pirates.

We were on the Black Pearl.

The first mate.

Our captain.
Donna thought he was the hottest thing.

The first mate cracking himself up while explaining the safety procedures.

We had a girl pirate too.
She came up to my waist.

Capitan Hook and the first mate examining the treasure.

This is the black hole of pictures.

I have absolutely no pics of the whole show they did, or of the meal.

I had a meal made especially for me.
Steak, Lobster, and Salad.

It was awesome, and didn't hurt me at all!!

It was funny too, how hard it was to walk at first.
We were floating out on the Caribbean, and the movement of the waves made it quite hard to walk.

They got us all to stand, and then to dance the Macarena.
After that, we were good.

There was also unlimited free drinks, as there is everywhere else in Mexico.

I made a dent in their Tequila supply.

So, there was lots of laughter and entertainment.

I can't even explain it, 'cause it was just hilarious dialogue.

After our meal, we saw green lights approaching the Starboard side!

The Flying Dutchman!

Our brave Capitan (Cap-ee-tan) scaled the side to confront the challengers.

It's Davey Jones!!

He stole our Captains Treasure, (Mainly Rum)
And we want it back!

So there Davey!
Tell us where your locker is.

This little Mexican wasn't mexican at all.
He was from LA.
He was our waiter.
And really stank at it.

They boarded our ship, and the brave First Mate challenged the intruder.

Sword fighting....

Get him, First Mate!

Then it was the Captains turn.

Booo green ship! Boooooo!

The Capitan took on Jack Sparrow.

This guy leaned in right at the wrong time.
Bad Pirate!

This guy waved his flag at the wrong time.

Bad Guy!

This Flying Dutchman Pirate climbed his mast,
And proceeded to hurl insults at us.

So, we shot him with our cannon.
And he plunged to his death to the deck (net) below.

We trounced the Dutchman, and she skulked off into the night.

Bye Losers!!!

After that final battle, the DJ started playing the music louder,
and little she-pirates job was apparently to not let anyone NOT dance.

She would grab anyone not dancing, drag them to the dance floor,
and get them dancing.

It was fun.
Good DJ, good songs,
and we sailed into port.

As we were leaving I told the Capitan that Donna drooled over him all night.
So, he let me take their picture.
I'm sure Donna blew it up to a 40"x40" and hung it over her bed.

Great night.


  1. I love your description, Heather, of the whole night. And I love that you added MUSIC. You are getting so techy!

    So, did Donna actually blow up that picture and hang it over her bed? Hmmmm?

  2. Looks like so much fun! :D Teeny pocket pirate girl is too cute.

    So, did Donna pack her cap-ee-tan into her luggage to bring home?

    "It's just a souvenir! Honestly!!" :D
